Sunday 26 October 2014

The Nature of Mental Health

Mental health 

- the three part definition of mental health by the National Association for Mental Health is as follows:

1. being comfortable with yourself
2. feeling good about your relationship with others
3. being able to meet the demands of life

How to express emotions in matured, healthful way as well as coping with the daily stresses are also included in the definition of mental health

Mental health describes the person's ability to perceive reality as it is, respond to life's challenges, and develop rational life strategies. The person's evaluations of himself and to others are based on realistic expectations.

10 practical ways to look after your mental health - improved graphic - 15 06 2012

The characteristics of a HEALTHY Person

Mental health begins with self-understanding and self-acceptance

Persons should possess the following characteristics of healthy mind to be mentally healthy individuals

1. They feel comfortable about themselves

a. self-respect
b. satisfied from simple pleasures
c. not carried away by their emotions
d. neither underestimate nor overestimate their abilities
e. feel able to deal most situations come their way
f. accepts their own shortcomings

2.They feel right about other people

a. feel a sense of responsibility to their fellowmen
b. respect many differences they find in people
c. they feel that they are part of a group
d. able to give love and consider the interest of others
e. have personal relationships that are satisfying and lasting

3. They are able to meet the demands of life

a. accept responsibilities
b. welcome new experiences and new ideas
c. set realistic goals for themselves
d. do something about problems as they arrive
e. think for themselves and make own decisions
f. plan ahead but do not fear the future

The Mental Illness defined

a person with mental illness is characterized by the following
1. self-respect and self-esteem is low
2. cannot relate to others
3. cannot cope with personal problems
4. a deep nervousness and shyness
5. has difficulty to distinguish reality
6. has the tendency toward fantasy and imagination
7. inability to meet everyday challenges in life.

Answer the following questions

1. What is the 3-part definition of mental health by the National Association for Mental Health?
2. Enumerate and described the following characteristics of a person with a healthy mind to be a mentally healthy person


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